How Making an Android WiFi Switch Can Improve Your Android Experience

One of the greatest benefits of owning a smartphone is the ability to transport the internet and all its conveniences wherever you go. Whether it be keeping in touch on email, Facebook, or Twitter or simply checking the day's traffic or weather, a smartphone makes any Internet-dependent process more accessible. Certainly, not every convenient smartphone feature is Internet-dependent (think alarm clocks, notes, etc.), but having access to the web and its endless store of reference knowledge separates smartphones from their predecessors more than any other feature; and this is precisely what makes a poor WiFi connection so egregious.

To that end, this article analyzes Android WiFi switching and limits its analysis to Android-OS-enabled phones, even though many of the benefits from switching away from a poor WiFi connection to stronger WiFi or cellular signal will accrue to every smartphone user.

Increased Average Data Speeds: Although switching to a stronger data signal - whether WiFi or cellular - may not strike readers as a signal booster, if one averages the speeds across a period of time making an Android WiFi switch will almost certainly mean faster average speeds. This is because rather than remaining on a slow, weak WiFi signal, users will move to a stronger and, more often than not, faster WiFi or cellular connection. Over a period of time this Android WiFi switching should result in a faster average data speeds, and the benefits will not stop with data speeds, since speed affects battery.

Battery Savings: Along with throttled or capped data plans, a weak battery stands as one of smartphones' greatest weaknesses in delivering the go-anywhere web their owners have come to love and expect. Thus, given how vital smartphones are to their owners, it's no wonder they value their battery life so much and see battery weakness as a top-five problem. What many smartphone users may not realize is that completing tasks faster can save the phone's battery, and that's one additional benefit of keeping a WiFi switcher on your phone, since you complete tasks on your strongest signal more regularly you can expect to save additional battery. In the world of smartphones whose batteries drain quickly, every bit helps; and luckily the benefits of Android WiFi switching don't stop with battery savings and faster data speeds.

Convenience: If you've ever been unable to upload or download information (email, photos, etc.) because you were stuck on a poor WiFi connection, then you know how annoying it can be to have to manually turn off your WiFi. Not only do you have to stop what you're doing at that moment to disable your WiFi radio, but you have to remember to re-enable the WiFi radio when you are back in close enough range of an open or already-enabled network. An Android WiFi switch makes all of this superfluous, as the widget or application will do the work for you. Thus, users can know that they're surfing their strongest-available signal whenever they reach for their phones.

These benefits are just a few of the many derived from making an Android WiFi switch away from a weak WiFi connection to a stronger WiFi or cellular signal. If you want to maximize your smartphone experience, consider downloading an application or widget that allows you to make an Android WiFi switch.


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