2 raisons WiFi les téléphones mobiles sont très précieuses

Avez-vous vérifié les nouveaux téléphones WiFi encore ? Si pas, vous manquez dehors sur le plus avancé moyen d'économiser de l'argent dans le monde moderne. Qui est en fonction d'un téléphone mobile pour recevoir des appels importants ou veut plus appellent sans accumulant des centaines de dollars de plus sur leur facture mensuelle considère les raisons suivantes qu'avoir un WiFi activé téléphone est inestimable.

Enregistrement les minutes

Votre plan ont limité le nombre de minutes que vous pouvez réellement parler chaque mois ? Ou êtes-vous fatigué de payer la facture élevée pour obtenir des minutes illimitées ? Si vous avez un téléphone Wi-Fi, utiliser beaucoup moins de minutes chaque mois. Lorsque vous êtes dans un endroit qui dispose de connexions WiFi, votre téléphone se connecte automatiquement à ce système. Au lieu d'utiliser vos minutes avec la compagnie de téléphone cellulaire, vous parlera gratuitement le système WiFi.

Pour ce faire, vous payez environ 10 $ supplémentaires sur votre compte chaque mois, ce qui est beaucoup moins cher que de nombreux forfaits illimités. Vous pourriez aller pour le moins cher de planifier vos offres de transporteur et ajouter le WiFi pour un projet de loi nettement plus faible.

La plupart des entreprises et des maisons sont maintenant équipés avec WiFi, afin de sauver les emplacements où vous pouvez vous connecter dans le système et continuer à croître avec le procès-verbal.

Meilleure connexion

Malheureusement, la plupart des utilisateurs de téléphone cellulaire encore passent beaucoup de leur temps à répéter cette fameuse ligne des publicités : vous pouvez m'entendre maintenant ? Avec une bonne connexion WiFi, votre connexion est claire parce que vous n'êtes pas dépendant sur le réseau GSM. Vous pourrez passer plus de temps effectivement mise en œuvre d'une conversation et moins de temps à vous soucier perdu appels.

Comme avec toute forme de technologie plus récente, il y a quelques plis pour l'utilisation d'un téléphone WiFi. Pour commencer, vous sera pas toujours dans un endroit qui dispose du WiFi, donc il peut être encore quelques appels perdus. Vous avez également le coût supplémentaire d'achat d'un routeur pour votre téléphone si vous n'en avez pas toujours.

Pourtant, ces petits inconvénients valent plus de l'interrupteur si vous régulièrement au sujet de vos minutes ou peut ne plus se permettre de payer pour un plan illimité de minutes. La possibilité de contrôler votre téléphone mobile, d'une connexion internet sans fil est un grand pas en avant pour la technologie et les téléphones mobiles WiFi vont seulement s'améliorent avec le temps.

Le bon, la brute et le côté laid d'iPod Touch WiFi

WiFi est une technologie sans fil qui fournit deux types de configuration de la connexion réseau. A est connu comme une « infrastructure »-configuration et l'autre est considéré comme une configuration « ad hoc ». Avec un réseau WiFi ad-hoc, une connexion peut être établie rapidement sans un point central d'accès ou le routeur sans fil. Un mode ad hoc sans fil est généralement préférable à un mode d'infrastructure sans fil car il est plus facile à installer et à utiliser. Réseaux sans fil ad hoc, ont cependant, les problèmes suivants :

1. WiFi appareils comme l'iPod Touch qui sont configurés pour fonctionner avec un réseau sans fil en mode Ad hoc sont moins sécurisées et sujette à des pirates du réseau. Ad-hoc WiFi configuré périphériques le SSID broadcast () de désactiver le Service Set IDentifier pas par rapport à la configuration d'une infrastructure mode et donc peut être facilement identifié par des pirates du réseau sans votre connaissance.

2. Ad-hoc mode WiFi signaux moins puissants que qui sont générés avec le mode infrastructure sans fil où pleine puissance ne peut être établie à un plus grand nombre. Cela signifie que vous êtes limité à une zone beaucoup plus petite, où il pourrait être trop occupé avec d'autres personnes également à l'utilisent du réseau.

3. la mise en réseau WiFi standard pour le mode ad-hoc de la communication ne prend en charge jusqu'à 11 Mbit/s bande inférieure à la configuration en mode infrastructure qui peut transférer des données jusqu'à 54 Mbit/s. bandes passantes plus lents ne fonctionnent pas aussi lors de la visualisation des clips vidéo.

4. Points d'accès WiFi vous doivent pas parfaitement protocoles de cryptage réseau pour déployer un réseau sans fil de manière sécurisée. Si nécessaire, il faut le faire si le réseau est activé manuellement. Cela donne les pirates une période favorable pour faire leurs petits trucs méchants petite mais suffisante.

5. Connexions WiFi fournissent des données en utilisant le spectre sans fil 2,4 GHz rend sujets aux interférences provoquées par d'autres appareils tels que Bluetooth activé périphériques, téléphones mobiles, téléphones sans fil, fours à micro-ondes et autres appareils sans fil qui partagent un même spectre sans fil et dans les environs immédiats. Ce type de brouillage peut créer le wireless connection n'est pas fiable, et votre iPod Touch une fâcheuse d'expérience.

6. Streaming haute définition audio et vidéo haute qualité jouera pas en douceur avec une connexion de WiFi ad hoc en raison de la vitesse plus lente de la transmission de données, surtout que plus de gens accéder et partagent le même point d'accès sans fil.

Le bon côté du WiFi

L'iPod Touch a capacité WiFi afin que vous pouvez vous connecter à un point d'accès sans fil et internet accéder au sein d'une zone locale ou fermer normalement à 100 mètres à 30 mètres à partager. Une diffusion de point d'accès Wi-Fi un signal WiFi peut être captée par un iPod Touch et requièrent un mot de passe si elle est protégée et verrouillé. Cependant ne vous attendez pas une connexion rapide qui permet de regarder et d'écouter les vidéos ! WiFi sur l'iPod Touch est très bien pour les besoins de données modeste et vitesses telles que les actualités, les services météorologiques, recherches sur le web, etc..

Mais la bonne chose sur le WiFi activé iPod Touch est que vous pouvez emporter et visitez les magasins comme Starbucks et McDonald ' s et déguster un café chaud et lisse tout en utilisant leur connexion WiFi Internet gratuite pour rattraper son retard avec les dernières nouvelles, des résultats sportifs, la météo et des courriels de vos amis.

How to Set Up un simple système de WiFi Hotspot dans votre café-restaurant

Ce qui est un WiFi Hotspot ?

Un WiFi Hotspot est une zone d'accès WiFi à Internet. Le terme Hotspot est maintenant utilisé de façon interchangeable pour la zone où le signal est disponible et le périphérique (WiFi routeur ou Point d'accès WiFi) qui le signal. En outre, les termes « Routeur WiFi » et « WiFi point d'accès » (AP) souvent utilisés de façon interchangeable.

Comment acheter et installer un routeur WiFi.

La grande chose au sujet de la mise en place d'un système de la zone réactive dans un coffee shop, c'est que normalement un routeur WiFi couvrira la construction entière, n'est pas très complexe pour le programme d'installation. Routeurs sans fil peuvent maintenant être achetés pour environ $ 50, donc la mise en place d'un point d'accès ne sont pas nécessairement coûteux. La seule autre chose dont vous avez besoin est une connexion par modem câble ou DSL pour votre magasin. Selon où vous vivez cela normalement coûte environ 30 $ / mo.

Comment accéder à.

Le moyen le plus simple de configurer un point d'accès est les paramètres du routeur sans fil défini en tant que « Désactivé » ou « Ouvrir ». C'est accéder à tout le monde, mais comment pouvez-vous la quantité de bande passante utilise un client ou combien de temps ils passent en ligne ?

On pourrait envisager de créer une clé WPA ou WEP sur le routeur et qui donnent à vos clients. Que les gens dans le quartier par le biais de votre connexion seraient arrêterait mais pas vous permettrait de définir des limites de temps combien de temps vos clients pourraient passer en ligne.

Faire que vous devez un hébergé ou seulement permettre que cela est un spécial « Portail captif » personnalisé WiFi router qui apparaît comme une ouverture ou signal WiFi non-crypté redirige mais alors tout le trafic vers une page web spécifique, appelée une « page de démarrage » où votre accès à internet connexion ou acheter fréquentes.

Portails captifs sont souvent fournis gratuitement, hébergé aux entrepreneurs en échange d'une part du revenu de la zone réactive. Avec une solution hébergée, votre client est transféré vers les serveurs de la société WiFi et il faut payer pour avoir accès en ligne à l'Internet. Standalone portails captifs sont généralement vendus directement à l'entrepreneur et vous permet de générer des billets, que vous pouvez vendre (ou donner) à vos clients. Chaque billet donne accès à internet pour un certain laps de temps. Est une bonne chose à faire à votre client un billet gratuit de 30 min avec la première tasse de café qu'ils achètent, alors si ils veulent rester plus en ligne, ils doivent revenir au compteur et acheter un autre billet, ou n'importe quel autre café:)

Téléphones portables avec WiFi

Avec le WiFi, les téléphones mobiles deviennent rapides l'avenir de la communication et de nos téléphones mobiles WiFi sur votre téléphone et si vous n'avez pas, il est temps de commencer à penser à ce sujet ! Ces dernières années, la durée de vie des téléphones portables téléphones comme nous le savons qu'il changea complètement, allant de noir et blanc à l'escrime, monophonique sonneries polyphoniques, des caméras à l'appel vidéo et beaucoup, beaucoup plus de couleurs. À la fin de 2007, il a été signalé que plus de 70 millions de personnes au Royaume Uni à lui seul avaient un abonnement à un réseau de téléphonie mobile, et avec ces éléments qui ont été autrefois considérée comme luxe en train de devenir une nécessité, il paye pour avoir le plus à jour dans son genre.

Les téléphones portables avec connexion Wi-Fi sont l'avenir de nos téléphones mobiles et les fonctionnalités qui sont disponibles avec un téléphone qui a construit dans ce service est pratiquement infinie. On n'est plus besoin de s'asseoir sur votre ordinateur sur le robinet de suite sur internet, les téléphones portables avec WiFi maintenant, vous pouvez alors que vous êtes en déplacement, avec un simple clic ici et le sac sur ce bouton et hey presto ! Vous êtes connecté à internet pendant que vous êtes assis dans le bus sur le chemin du travail.

Les téléphones portables avec WiFi, malgré les services qu'ils peuvent offrir deviennent plus petites en taille et sont facilement traitées, des appareils portables qui non seulement vous permettent de surfer sur internet, mais vous permet également d'envoyer et recevoir des e-mails, messagerie photo et vidéo appels vers d'autres téléphones mobiles avec la même fonction. Très bientôt, il n'y a vraiment aucun besoin de rencontrer une personne face à face, vous pouvez communiquer avec quelqu'un que vous avez besoin avec l'utilisation des téléphones portables avec WiFi !

Téléphones portables avec WiFi il faut vous abonner à un réseau qui permet à ce service et, heureusement, la plupart du réseau fournisseurs semblent sauter sur le chariot de bande de ne doivent pas trouver un WiFi donc prouver sont trop difficile. Tous les derniers modèles de téléphone semble avoir une section de propriétés par des cris de WiFi, et c'est dans votre visage en permanence tandis que vous faites des emplettes pour votre nouveau téléphone mobile, vous pouvez ainsi donner !

WiFi lui-même signifie wireless fidelity et parce que la demande est forte pour ces puces dans les téléphones mobiles, le prix est en baisse, avec en concurrence les entreprises font tout en leur pouvoir pour amener les consommateurs à acheter leurs produits. Bien qu'il y a quelques désavantages des téléphones portables avec WiFi, telles que les mesures de sécurité et l'utilisation de la batterie, dans l'ensemble, les avantages sont grands et avant que vous le savez, tous les téléphones sur le marché sera WiFi installé !

Conclusion :

Avec le WiFi, les téléphones mobiles sont de plus en plus populaire et plus et plus de gens choisissent ce type de téléphone mobile sur la compétition principale, il paie à sauter dans le train vous-même pour voir ce que toute cette agitation au sujet. Vous pouvez même trouver que ces téléphones mobiles avec le WiFi sera le meilleur investissement que vous avez jamais fait, et vous serez en mesure de parler tellement plus que juste !

Dropcam HD Wi-Fi Wireless Video Monitoring Camera

Dropcam HD Wi-Fi Wireless Video Monitoring CameraDropcam HD Internet Wi-Fi Video Monitoring Cameras help you watch what you love from anywhere. In less than a minute, you'll have it setup and securely streaming video to you over your home Wi-Fi. Use it to watch your home, your baby, the dog, and your small business. Every camera comes with Night vision, 720p HD video, two-way audio, and Digital Pan and Zoom. Paired with secure online DVR recording, you can watch live and recorded video from anywhere on any device. Dropcam HD makes monitoring what you love and finding peace of mind easier than ever. Watch from any device such as your Apple Mac, Windows PC, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, or Android. All you need is a Wi-Fi network paired with the free and easy-to-use Dropcam App. Watch what you love while away with Dropcam HD.

Price: $149.99

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Acase(TM) Quality Premium Slim Leather Case Folio for Barnes and Noble Nook e-reader (Wi-Fi)-Black

Acase(TM) Quality Premium Slim Leather Case Folio for Barnes and Noble Nook e-reader (Wi-Fi)-BlackCarry your Barnes & Noble Nook in style with this unique designer series leather case from Acasel. This case has a black leather exterior with a matching black soft micro fiber padding in the interior. The leather case provides complete protection for your Nook reading device. The uniquely designed skeleton allows the transforming of the leather case into table stand for convinient reading.

Price: $79.95

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Gear Head WiFi Signal Detector & Hotspot Finder

Gear Head WiFi Signal Detector & Hotspot FinderThe Gear Head Wi-Fi Signal Detector and Hotspot Finder is an innovative device that detects Wi-Fi signals at the touch of a button, allowing you to save time and energy from booting up your PC or Mac computer in a location without a signal. Visual LEDs alert you to Wi-Fi availability, allowing you to quickly answer emails between flights or complete quick computer work when time is at a premium. Ideal for the mobile user, the Gear Head Wi-Fi Signal Detector and Hotspot Finder comes with 2 'AAA' batteries and a convenient carrying strap for travel.

Price: $29.99

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Alfa AWUS036H Upgraded to 1000mW 1W 802.11b/g High Gain USB Wireless Long-Rang WiFi network Adapter with 5dBi Antenna - for Wardriving & Range Extension

Alfa AWUS036H Upgraded to 1000mW 1W 802.11b/g High Gain USB Wireless Long-Rang WiFi network Adapter with 5dBi Antenna - for Wardriving & Range ExtensionThe Alfa AWUS036H is the latest version of the most powerful card available. This has a stunning 1000mW output power. So if you are looking for a device to connect to an outdoor 2.4 GHz antenna, such as on a boat or an RV, this is a perfect solution. It outperforms wireless cards that are built in to newer laptops. Adding this to your laptop or desktop computer will enhance range and signal quality at longer distances. And works with Win98SE/200/ME/XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Linux (kernel 2.6.6 and later) and Macintosh (OS version 10.4). And the necessary drivers for ALL of these operating systems are included on CD-ROM

* Connects at a full 54Mbps via USB 2.0, up to 8 times faster than a USB 1.1 adapter
* High gain upgradeable
* Compact size for greater flexibility
* Also compatible with USB 1.1 desktop and notebook computers
* Plug-and-Play Compatible with windows 98SE, 2000, Millennium, XP and Linux
* High security 64/128/256bit WEP Encryption, TKIP, WPA, 802.11

Data Rate 802.11b: UP to 11Mbps, 802.11g: 54Mbps
Antenna Type 1 x 2.4Ghz SMA connector
Chipset Realtek 8187L
Output Power 24dBm (OFDM), 30dBm(CCK)
Frequency Stability within +25 ppm
Data Modulation Type BPSK,QPSK, CCK and OFDM
Security WEP 64/128, 802.1X support, Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), WPA-PSK ,WPA II .
Dimensions 8.5 x 2.2 x 6.3cm
Weight 38.5g

For MAC OS 10.6.7 and later version, we suggest AWUS036NHR, AWUS036NH, WUS036NEH, AWUS051NH.

Price: $99.98

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Elm327 WIFI Wirless OBD2 PC Car Diagnostic Reader Scanner Scan Tool with Wireless for IPhone

Elm327 WIFI Wirless OBD2 PC Car Diagnostic Reader Scanner Scan Tool with Wireless for IPhoneThere are tons of software available, which are fully compatible with WIFI OBD interface, such as engine running parameters monitoring, DTC reading and clearing, MPG meter, etc.
By using the device you can monitor all these parameters from your PC, Mac, iPhone, Ipad etc with a compatible software or you can even write your own software on a specified hardware platform if need, because the AT commands are fully documented and very well explained. With proper software installed in the host device, you may have following parameters read out from your vehicle:
Vehicle Speed: RPM
Fuel Consumption: Engine Coolant Temp
Fuel Pressure: Calculated Engine Load
Throttle Position: Intake Manifold Pressure
Air Intake Temp: Timing Advance
Mass Air Flow: Fuel Level
Barometric Pressure: EVAP System Vapor Pressure
Fuel Trim
Some examples for iOS applications are Rev, FUZZYcar, DashCommand

Note : Your vehicle may not support all above parameters. How many parameters you can get is depended on the vehicle manufacturer's implementation.

Compatible With
SAE J1850 PWM (41.6 kbaud);
SAE J1850 VPW (10.4 kbaud);
ISO 9141-2 (5 baud init, 10.4 kbaud);
ISO 14230-4 KWP (5 baud init, 10.4 kbaud);
ISO 14230-4 KWP (fast init, 10.4 kbaud);
ISO 15765-4 CAN (11 bit ID, 500 kbaud);
ISO 15765-4 CAN (29 bit ID, 500 kbaud);
ISO 15765-4 CAN (11 bit ID, 250 kbaud);
ISO 15765-4 CAN (29 bit ID, 250 kbaud).

Elm327 WIFI - iOS Easy Setup Guide
1.Wifi Settings;
Search wifi -- Connect to device (SSID: OBDDevice);
Static Tab -- IP Address: -- Subnet Mask:;
2.Software Settings;
Open Software (your iOS sofware (ex: Rev DashCommand, FuzzyCar )) ;
Settings: Interface type : ELM -- Data Port : tcp://


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Lux TX9000TS Touch Screen Seven-Day Programmable Thermostat

Efficient. Easy. Economical. That's why you'll love the Lux TX9000TS seven-day programmable thermostat. This clever device gives you complete and accurate temperature control at the touch of a finger. Compatible with a variety of heating and cooling systems, this thermostat incorporates do-it-yourself installation, a responsive touch screen, and a large lighted display for straightforward programming and operation.

TX9000TS Seven-Day Programmable Thermostat At a Glance:

  • Save up to 33% on energy costs and up to $180 the first year
  • Seven-day programming--up to four programs per day
  • Touch-screen interface with electroluminescence for easy reading
  • Comes preset with default energy-reducing program
  • Registers your selections with audible touch confirmation
  • Seven-day programming--up to four programs per day
  • Backed by a three-year limited warranty

Icons indicate cooling, heating, and lockout modes. View larger.

Customize Your Home's Heating and Cooling Schedule
With the TX9000TS it's easy to set a daily heating and cooling schedule for your home, which can ensure your comfort and potentially reduce your utility costs. With easy-to-use menu-driven programming and intuitive touch-screen commands, this thermostat allows you to program up to four different time and temperature settings in a 24-hour period (morning, day, evening, and night). You also have the option of setting a different program for every day of the week.

Wallet-Friendly Choice
The TX9000TS can be an energy-efficient choice that can save your family approximately 33% on energy bills.

It comes pre-programmed with a default energy-conserving heating and cooling schedule that's designed to save up to $180 in energy costs over one year.

And thanks to the keyboard lockout feature, the TX9000TS is great for households with small children or other potential unauthorized users.

User-Friendly Features and Operating Simplicity
Incredibly user friendly, the TX9000TS boasts a range of helpful features to simplify both programming and everyday operation. First, a large blue electroluminescent display is easy to read--even in low light--and clearly shows the current day, time, temperature, and filter status.

Additionally, audible touch confirmation indicates that your choices are being registered, while snowflake and flame icons indicate cooling or heating mode. For further convenience, a filter-usage monitor allows you to set filter limits from zero to 720 hours of use, and a "replace" icon will appear when battery power is running low.

The TX9000TS is compatible with a number of heating and cooling operational systems, including most 24-volt systems, single-stage systems, heating-only and cooling-only systems, furnace systems, central air-conditioning systems, heat pumps without auxiliary heat, two-wire hydronic systems, and 750-millivolt systems.

What's in the Box
One Lux TX9000TS programmable thermostat, mounting hardware, and a manual (batteries not included).

Price: $79.99

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Wi-Fi Home Networking Just the Steps For Dummies

Wi-Fi Home Networking Just the Steps For DummiesWi-Fi Home Networking Just the Steps For Dummies is the way to go if you’re ready to go wireless and install your own wireless home network. The book’s easy-to-navigate design features two columns, with numbered step-by-step instructions on one side and corresponding illustrations, screen shots, or photos on the other. There’s no fluff, just the vital stuff—Just The Steps you need to get up to speed fast. This guide covers common networking tasks, including:
  • Setting up wireless access points and configuring your network
  • Adding wireless devices to your network
  • Activating Wi-Fi Security, managing firewalls, and preventing unauthorized network users

You don’t have to leave WI-Fi behind when you leave home; this practical reference tells you how to find public hotspots where you can use your Wi-Fi-equipped portable computer and how to network wirelessly with your pocket PC. It covers practical applications like creating a network bridge or adding wireless network storage, plus fun ways to use your tech toys to integrate and enhance your digital life, such as:

  • Setting up a wireless media center so you can use a computer for streaming media, as a TV tuner, as a digital video recorder, or to integrate with your TV and home entertainment system
  • Turning your pocket PC into a remote control
  • Adding a wireless camera to your network

Even if your current system with its cables, wires, and convoluted connections works, it’s time to cut the cord. Going wireless gives you many advantages and new options. So take the first step—get this book.

Price: $14.99

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GoPro WiFi Bacpac AWIFI-001

GoPro WiFi Bacpac AWIFI-001The Wi-Fi BacPac is compatible with the Original HD HERO and HD HERO2 cameras.The Wi-Fi BacPac attaches to your GoPro camera enabling long range (600'/180m in optimal conditions) remote control when used with the Wi-Fi Remote. A single Wi-Fi Remote can control up to 50 Wi-Fi BacPac enabled GoPro cameras at a time. The Wi-Fi Remote is an optional accessory, not included. To learn more about the Wi-Fi Remote, see the Wi-Fi Combo Kit. GoPro Wi-Fi BacPac Features: Wi-Fi BacPac (with built-in Li-ion Battery) Waterproof Backdoor Non-waterproof Backdoor 12? USB Charging Cable Wearable and waterproof to 10'/3m Style number AWIFI


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Friedrich KWIFI wi-fi kit for all Kuhl & Kuhl+ series models

Friedrich KWIFI wi-fi kit for all Kuhl & Kuhl+ series modelsWi-Fi enabiling accessory for the 2012 Kühl units

Price: $39.00

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Vtech InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet - Pink

Vtech InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet - PinkVTech InnoTab 2 gives kids ages 4-9 their own tablet that keeps them engaged while they learn. This multi-functional tablet for children combines a photo/video camera, interactive animated e-books, creative activities, tilt sensor learning games, and a rich collection of applications into a sleek and durable toy. Kids can enjoy e-books, music, photos and videos on-the-go just like mom and dad. The 5" touch screen, tilt sensor, microphone, pop-up (onscreen) keypad, and stylus allow children to play games, create art, take notes, or use utilities like the onboard calendar or friends list all on one device. Cartridges with licensed characters (sold separately) teach essential skills in reading, logic, and creativity. Additional apps such as games, e-books and music can be easily uploaded to the InnoTab 2 through VTech's Learning Lodge Navigator. Parents can also track their child's progress on a variety of educational milestones and lessons. With 2GB onboard memory and an expandable SD card slot, the InnoTab2 will keep your child endlessly engaged. Additional content may require an SD memory card (not included).


Recommended age - 4 - 9 years Dimensions - 1 x 6.2 x 8.1 inches; 1.1 pounds 4 AA batteries required (Not included) Pink

Price: $79.99

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Synthetic Leather Case Cover for 7 inch Wifi Apad Epad Tablet Pc

Synthetic Leather Case Cover for 7 inch Wifi Apad Epad Tablet PcFeatures Overview:
# Protect your tablet pc/e-book reader from damage and scratches
# Suitable for 7" EKEN M001/M002, APAD,EPAD tablet pc/MID
# Give your 7" Tablet PC/MID a new look with this case

Technical Specification

# Case Size: 21.00cm(L) x 14.00cm(W) x 1.70cm(H)
# Made of high quality Nylon Plastic synthetic leather-like material
# We only guarantee that this case is suitable for EKEN M002, MID M70003 7¡± Google Android Tablet PC UMPC MID Netbook, it might not be suitable for other concoles.

What's in the box
# 1 *Faux leather case for 7" Ebook reader table pc EKEN M002


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HDE® ELM 327 WIFI OBD2 Wireless Diagnostic Car Reader for iPhone & iPad

HDE® ELM 327 WIFI OBD2 Wireless Diagnostic Car Reader for iPhone & iPad"This may possibly be the best tool for anyone who is looking to see the results from all those gruling weekend hours working on your ""baby"" aka you car. Simply plug this OBD2 wifi adapter into your car, connect it to your favorite wifi enabled device, download a compatible automitive diagnostic application and then it's time to burn some rubber!
With proper software installed in the host device, you may have following parameters read out from your vehicle:
-Vehicle Speed
-Fuel Consumption
-Engine Coolant Temp
-Fuel Pressure
-Calculated Engine Load
-Throttle Position
-Intake Manifold Pressure
-Air Intake Temp
-Timing Advance
-Mass Air Flow
-Fuel Level
-Barometric Pressure
-EVAP System Vapor Pressure
-Fuel Trim
**Not all vehicles will support all of these parameters**"

Price: $99.99

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Homewerks Radio Thermostat CT-30-H-K2 Wireless Thermostat with Wi-Fi Module, Dual Wireless Inputs and Touch Screen

Homewerks Radio Thermostat CT-30-H-K2 Wireless Thermostat with Wi-Fi Module, Dual Wireless Inputs and Touch Screene5 Compatible CT-30 With WiFi: 7 Day Programmable Thermostat w Touchscreen, Dual Wireless Inputs, Includes 1 WiFi Power Module

Price: $139.95

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Google Nexus 7 Tablet (16 GB)

Google Nexus 7 Tablet (16 GB)
  • 7 1280x800 HD display (216 ppi)
  • Back-lit IPS display
  • Scratch-resistant Corning glass
  • 1.2MP front-facing camera
  • 16 GB internal storage (actual formatted capacity will be less)
  • 1 GB RAM
  • WiFi 802.11 b/g/n
  • Bluetooth
  • Quad-core Tegra 3 processor
  • Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)
    what's in the box: ASUS 16GB Google Nexus 7 Inch Tablet, AC Adapter, Micro-USB to USB Cable and 1-Year Limited Warranty.


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  • High-Gain USB Wireless N 300Mbps 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi Network Adaptor With 2 High Gain 5dBi Dipole Antenna - Improving 6X Signal Reception and 3x Speed

    High-Gain USB Wireless N 300Mbps 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi Network Adaptor With 2 High Gain 5dBi Dipole Antenna - Improving 6X Signal Reception and 3x SpeedFeatures:
    * 200% Performance
    * 200% Distance
    * High gain antenna detachable


    * Standard: IEEE 802.11b/g/n
    * Software AP supported
    * Interface: USB 2.0 and 1.1 compliant
    * Antenna Type: RP-SMA Jack
    * Transmitter Power:
    -802.11b: 23 2 dBm
    -802.11bg: 18 2 dBm
    -802.11b: 17 2 dBm
    * Operating Range: Up to 500 meters (Depending on surrounding environment)
    * Frequency: IEEE 802.11b: 2.4~2.497GHz. IEEE 802.11g: 2.4~2.4835GHz
    * Modulation Method: IEEE 802.11b: DBPSK / DQPSK / CCK. IEEE 802.11g: BPSK / QPSK/ 16QAM / 64QAM
    * Data Transfer Rate: IEEE 802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11Mbps. IEEE 802.11g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54Mbps. 802.11n: 20Mhz up to 144Mbps, 40Mbps up to 300Mbps
    * Security: 64/128bit WEP (Hex&ASCII). WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2-PSK, TKIP/AES
    * CE FCC RoHS compliant

    Package Content:

    * 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN USB Adapter
    * 2pcs High Gain 5dBi Dipole Antenna
    * 5ft USB Cable
    * Driver/Manual CD


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    Tyco Wifi & Bluetooth Antenna

    Tyco Wifi & Bluetooth AntennaTyco Wifi & Bluetooth Antenna


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    Wi-Fi and the Bad Boys of Radio: Dawn of a Wireless Technology

    Wi-Fi and the Bad Boys of Radio: Dawn of a Wireless TechnologyAt 36,000 feet, Wi-Fi converts our airline seats to remote offices. It lets us read email in airports, watch video in coffee shops, and listen to music at home. Wi-Fi is everywhere. But where did it come from?

    Wi-Fi and the Bad Boys of Radio takes us back to when the Internet was first gaining popularity, email took ten minutes to load up, and cell phones were big and unwieldy. But Alex Hills had a vision: people carrying small handheld devices that were always connected. His unwavering purpose was to change the way we use the Internet.

    After being a teenage "ham operator" and bringing radio, TV and telephone service to the Eskimos of northern Alaska, Dr. Hills led a small band of innovators to overcome "the bad boys of radio" - the devilishly unpredictable behavior of radio waves - and build the network that would become the forerunner to today's Wi-Fi.

    "I know of no one so capable of telling the Wi-Fi story and explaining so clearly how the technology works. Alex Hills is certain to capture the public imagination with this new book."
    ~ Jim Geier, Principal Consultant, Wireless-Nets, Ltd. and Wi-Fi author

    "Alex Hills has contributed to the developing world and to developing advanced wireless technology at one of the world's most tech-savvy universities. Working on both frontiers, Dr. Hills pioneered wireless Internet and launched a revolution in the way the world communicates. His story of how we "cut the cord" begins in a place where there were no cords to begin with -- remote Alaska."
    ~ Mead Treadwell, Lieutenant Governor of Alaska and former Chair, United States Arctic Research Commission

    Alex Hills is Distinguished Service Professor of Engineering & Public Policy and Electrical & Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Hills is frequently invited to speak at conventions, conferences, university seminars, corporate training sessions, and community events. His talks, with their vivid stories and clear explanations of technology, have been well-received by audiences throughout the United States and in more than twenty foreign countries. An inventor with eleven patents, Dr. Hills can write and speak in technical jargon. But in his writing, as in his talks, he speaks to everyone -- technical specialists and the public alike. People of all backgrounds have been fascinated by his contributions to Scientific American and IEEE Spectrum magazines -- articles that explain technology in a style that is clear to any reader.

    Price: $16.95

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    OtterBox Samsung Galaxy Tablet Defender Case

    OtterBox Samsung Galaxy Tablet Defender CaseSamsung Galaxy Tablet Defender Case

    Price: $0.00

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    WiFi Wireless IEEE 802.11N/G/B WLAN 150Mbps Network Adapter USB2.0 Wireless Lan USB Adapter for Laptop Noteook Desktop PC Suport Vista/Windows 7(32bit & 64bit)/Linux

    WiFi Wireless IEEE 802.11N/G/B WLAN 150Mbps Network Adapter USB2.0 Wireless Lan USB Adapter for Laptop Noteook Desktop PC Suport Vista/Windows 7(32bit & 64bit)/Linux1. Support 64/128-bit WEP, complies with 128 bit WPA standard(TKIP/AES), supports MIC, IV Expansion, Shared Key Authentication, IEEE 802.1X 2. supports 150/54/48/36/24/18/12/9/6/11/5.5/2/1 Mbps wireless LAN data transfer rates 3. Quick Secure Setup, complies with WPS for worry free wireless security 4. Simple Configuration and monitoring 5. Supports Roaming technology, guaranteeing efficient wireless connections. 6. Supports Windows /XP/Vista/Windows 7/Mac/Linux 7. With internal Antenna


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    Wild Game Innovations IR10G 10MP RealTree APG Camo Digital Scouting Camera with infrared Flash & FIELDNET WiFi capable with YN1 module (not included)

    Wild Game Innovations IR10G 10MP RealTree APG Camo Digital Scouting Camera with infrared Flash & FIELDNET WiFi capable with YN1 module (not included)WGI IR10G RealTree APG Camo infrared digital scouting camera with 10 mp 90 piece high intensity infrared flash. Flash range is up to 90 feet,WiFi capable with YN1 module-not included. QUICKDRAW rapid trigger technology PIR system.When the peripheral PIR sensors are activated, they wake the camera so that when the central PIR sensor is activated the flash fires and the camera records the image.This QUICKDRAW system makes sure you dont miss the shot waiting for the flash to fire up.Day and Night time video,Full color TFT screen 2.75" x 2" . Up to a 16GB HDSC card-not included comes with 2GB SD card and with a 6V battery and battery charger for a complete solution right out of the box.

    Price: $229.99

    Click here to buy from Amazon

    Features of "WiFi" Technology

    A New aspect in networking

    WiFi has brought a new aspect in the ground of networking. The broadcast of data is completed via radio waves and the cost of cables for network lying down.Wi-Fi enable a user to get access to internet anywhere in the given location. Now you can make a network in Hotels, Libraries, colleges, universities, campus, private institutes, and coffee shops and even on a public place to make your business more profitable and connect with their client any time. WiFi makes waves for business with their highly effective cable less media.

    Unmatched mobility and elasticity

    Wi-Fi, is allowing new intensity of connectivity without giving up functions. Wi-Fi introduced various types of utilities such music streamers that transmit your music to speakers without any wire you can also play music from the remote computer or any other attached to the network. The most important now you can play online radio. Wifi technology system is rather remarkable, you can download songs, send email and transfer files expediently at sky-scraping speed and you can move your computer easily because your WiFi network has no cable to disrupt your work so we can say that it is quite easy, helpful and most of all expedient.

    Fortress Technology

    WiFi providing secure wireless solutions support the growth and release of a prototype mobile ad hoc wireless network for use in the wireless strategic skirmish.

    Support an entire age bracket.

    WiFi technology has several advantages it support an entire age bracket and create a connection between components on the same network and have ability to transfer data between the devices and enable different kind of devices such as game, MP3 player, PDA's and much more!

    It's convenient and every where

    WiFi is a convenient technology and where the range station exists you are online during travel you can equip with a Wi-Fi network and set up shop anyplace. You will automatically connect with internet if you are near hotspot. These days WiFi exist every where with all its wonders.

    More faster and secure

    With WiFi you can get high speed of internet because it is very fast than DSL and Cable connection you can establish a Wifi network in small space now you don't need any professional installation just connect to a power outlet with an Ethernet cord, and start browsing. WiFi security system for Threats makes it more renewable and its tool protect your VPN and secure web page. You can easily configure the device to take better performance. The standard devices, embedded systems and network security make it more powerful

    WiFi with no limitation

    You can use a "WiFi" network with no limitation because it can connect you worldwide. You can easily reach to your requirements with WiFi networking applications because the power consumption is very high as compared to other bandwidth. The vision of wireless network is bright with Pre-N products and high qulaity media streaming.Further details are available on Wifi

    VoIP Over WiFi for Businesses: Sending Voice Over the Wireless LAN

    The convergence of data and voice networks in the business environment takes on a new twist with the emergence of wireless networking. The freedom of mobility offered to users in a wireless LAN has proven to provide a noticeable boost in productivity, efficiency, and. employee morale. No longer is the work force tied to their desk when on the job. Workers can access company files and receive important communications from anywhere on the company campus that is in range of a wireless access point.

    With voice communications thrown into the mix, mobile users can stay in touch while roaming the property inside or out, and even on the road. The acceptance of the fixed to mobile convergence concept by the telecommunications industry only promises to fuel the fire for the adoption of VoIP over WiFi.

    The Challenges of Implementing VoIP over WiFi Networks

    As with any emerging technology, there are challenges to overcome. The development of the converged network, i.e. data and voice on the same IP based LAN, while yet to be an established norm, is proving to be beneficial for businesses from both a cost and productivity perspective. Adding the prospect of VoIP over a wireless network brings up a whole new set of issues.

    VoIP is a time sensitive technology. Calls must be set up and authenticated, and voice packets must arrive at their destination without interruption and on time. This requires a near continuous network stream, uninterrupted by less sensitive data transmissions. The implementation of Quality of Service techniques on wired LANs assure that these voice packets receive priority, and call quality issues such as latency, jitter, and packet loss have been sufficiently addressed.

    Enter the standards based wireless network, a technology in an earlier stage of development, and more challenges occur. While today's wired network provides plenty of bandwidth for both voice and data to coexist, WLANs provide less bandwidth, and Quality of Service issues must be revisited. Security measures such as authentication and encryption must be implemented and can add to the problem by increasing the size of the voice packet. Additionally, users on the move will traverse wireless access points where handoffs must be quick and smooth.

    The IEEE 802 standards governing wireless technology are evolving rapidly and promise to deal with a broad spectrum of WiFi issues. Increasing the bandwidth available, prioritizing voice packets for QoS, authentication and encryption protocols for security, and enhanced roaming techniques are all being addressed.

    Also in development is the wireless technology commonly known as WiMax, providing for the implementation of high bandwidth wireless communications covering distances of up to 30 miles. The evolution of WiMax could prove of great consequence to developing countries, as well as Metropolitan LANs.

    Security in a VoIP/WiFi Network

    Companies wishing to implement wVoIP must take security issues into consideration from the start. As in any IP network, the dangers of hackers, denial of service, highjacking and spam, all lurk in the shadows.

    Because a wireless network uses radio frequencies as its transmission media, the security normally provided by a firewall in a wired network is not sufficient, simply because of the physics. Whereas to break into a wired LAN requires hackers to either physically be inside the network or to hack in through the Internet, in a WLAN they can grab network transmissions from the air while parked across the street. The security issues that network managers must consider in a VoWLAN are the privacy of conversations, and the protection of the network infrastructure.

    For WiFi networks, security has had a shaky start with the implementation of WEP as its security mechanism. WEP provides for authentication and encryption between the user and the access point, and was found to be easily hacked. The 802.11i standard, adopted as WPA2 (Wireless Protected Access), provides for more robust security by requiring two way authentication between the user and the network, and uses AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) as its encryption engine.

    As network managers plan the rollout of a wireless VoIP network, the greatest security threat they face is improper implementation. Building security into the design of the initial deployment can, and should affect the network topology, as well as material costs. Failure to do so could lead to further expenses in loss of services and network redesigns in the event of compromise.

    WiFi, VoIP, and the Cellular Networks

    Manufacturers of cellular devices are incorporating WiFi radios into their handsets at an ever increasing rate. New versions of mobile operating systems are coming out complete with a built in VoIP stack, inviting carriers and manufacturers to add VoIP functionality to their devices. Dual and Quad band cell phones can choose between the strongest network available, cellular or WiFi, and place a call accordingly.

    As cell phones become more like mobile offices, the benefits of a mobile work force become apparent. In the case of the road warrior, the ability to communicate via email, text messaging, video or voice, allows them to stay on the road longer without losing touch. In the age of instant information, mobile office applications allow files to be downloaded, edited, and uploaded, increasing the productivity of the traveler to the point where just about anything that can be done in the office can be done on the road.

    A cell phone that can switch between cellular and WiFi networks can significantly reduce telecommunications costs at the corporate office. With WiFi hotspots popping up at hotels, cafes, and corporate LANs across the globe, mobile workers can stay in touch with office and family both on and off the job. With the addition of a VoIP service provider, cheaper VoIP calls can be made from any WiFi network at the push of a button.

    Imagine, if you will, a future where one phone, with one phone number, can seamlessly traverse cellular networks, WiFi networks, cable and PSTN landlines. Where roaming and switching between disparate networks occur without interruption or loss of call quality. Fixed Mobile Convergence is the buzzword of the decade, and the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architecture is the standard that promises to get us there.

    The goal of IMS is to provide all the services and applications that the Internet provides, both current, and as of yet unimagined. IP based services such as VoIP, Push to talk cellular (POC), videoconferencing, text messaging, community services, presence information and file sharing, are just some of the possibilities. Designed to work with any fixed, mobile or wireless packet switched network, backwards compatibility for the legacy circuit switched phone system is provided through the use of gateways.

    Although still in its infancy, IMS is already being implemented by AT&T as the platform in it's newly acquired Cingular cellular network. Interest in investing in a new infrastructure by mobile and fixed operators has been up and down, as they weigh the costs and benefits of the new technology.

    As the technology of VoIP over WiFi networks continues to develop, businesses of all sizes can reap the benefits of increased mobility, productivity, and significant cost savings. Standards committees are constantly working on ways to increase security and quality of service, and as fixed mobile convergence gains acceptance in the telecommunications industry, more choices in the services offered and the IP applications available to businesses are sure to follow. What will also be interesting to watch, is how these very bandwidth intensive applications will be priced by the carrier networks, and how it will affect the neutrality of the Internet.

    Share WiFi With Your Neighbours - Setting Up a WiFi Internet Hotspot in Your Neighbourhood

    Most of the time your Internet connection is not being used to it's full potential. Increasing cable and DSL speeds allow home Internet connections to support many more computers than you have connected. If you just use you computer for a few hours each day you may consider sharing your Internet connection with family and neighbors to maximize its use and reduce your cost.

    Strong signal - A good external antenna

    The most important aspect of running a Hotspot is getting a strong signal to your neighbors. The best option is to mount an external antenna as high as you can on your property. Antenna can be expensive so it's worth shopping round for a good deal on Ebay. I would recommend a 6dB External Omni-Directional Antenna for most people.

    Be aware of the different type on antenna connectors. I like the RP-TNC connector that is found on Linksys WRT54GL routers, as it's more durable than the little RP-SMA connector used on other kit. If you do not yet know where you customers will be connecting from it's best to get an omni-directional antenna. If you know where they will be connecting from you could get a directional or "patch" antenna.

    Strong Signal - A short antenna lead.

    When you designing your system you need to have the shortest possible lead between the WiFi Hotspot Router and the Antenna. For good signal strength try to keep the lead less than 6'. A good solution for this is to install the WiFi Hotspot Router in a weather proof or Tupperware box and mount it on the antenna post. You will then need to run the power and network connection up the pole but I find it gives the best overall result. The safest way to run the power up the pole is to keep the wall wart inside the house and splice in a section of low voltage cable to run up to the pole.

    Choosing a router - The Awesome Linksys WRT54GL

    The WRT54GL WiFi Router can be purchased for as little as $50. It can easily have it's firmware replaced with OpenWRT or DD-WRT both tiny versions of Linux which allows you to run your own software directly on the router. Then you can install Hotspot Management software on the router and in under 5 minutes you can have a powerful WiFi hotspot for less than $100.

    How to control access to your WiFi Hotspot.

    The nicest thing to do is to leave your WiFi router open with no encryption. Then anyone can use it for free. If you want some control over who uses your system or if you want to make some money from your system these are the main options:

    MAC Address Filtering. A MAC address is a unique number that every network and wireless device has. A MAC address look something like this: 01:23:45:67:89:ab Most WiFi routers have the ability to only allow certain MAC address access to the network. You could set up MAC filtering on your WiFi router then speak with your neighbours and if any of them wanted to share the cost of your connection then you could add them to the list of approved MAC addresses.

    WPA Key. Another approach is to set up WPA encryption on your router. When you set it up you'll be asked to enter a WPA Key, which is like a password. You could then give then give the key to any neighbours who wanted to connect to your Internet connection.

    The Captive-Portal. Nearly all commercial Hotspots are Captive Portals, this appears as an Open or Unencrypted WiFi signal but then redirects any traffic to a specific web page called a "Splash Page" where your often asked to login or purchase internet access. Your splash page will be an advertisement for your WiFi service, so you would want to list how much you charge for access. A captive portal is great, as you don't need to visit your neighbours to see who wants to connect; anyone connecting to your WiFi Hotspot gets redirected to your splash page. You can even set up an automated system to take Pay Pal payment for Internet access so you would not even need to be home to be making money.

    Good luck with your new WiFi Hotspot.

    How to Improve Your iPad's WiFi Performance

    When I bought the WiFi-enabled iPad I knew that I might miss being able to connect over the 3G network. What I didn't expect was not being able to connect over WiFi! Unfortunately, I'm not alone with my WiFi problems. Many iPad owners are reporting problems with WiFi - either connecting to or staying connected to a wireless network.

    If, like me, you're wondering what to do about WiFi, then read on. I've done the research and come up with the top 5 ways to fix the iPad WiFi connection problems.

    1. Last things first: the on-off switch. You'd be amazed at how many complex step-by-step instructions end with "if that doesn't work, turn the iPad off and on again." Your iPad's not always "on," any more than an iPhone is.

    Hold down the sleep/wake button until the red slider appears, and drag it to the right to power off. To power on, hold down the button again and let the iPad go through its startup routine.This takes a while, and when you want your iPad to work right a few seconds is an eternity. But always keep this one ready - it's often the "last resort" right answer.

    2. Look Ma, no hands. Users are reporting that if you're holding an iPad like a book, oriented taller than wide with your hands on its sides, your strong WiFi signal gets weaker, and your weak signal disappears. Don't.

    3. Renew your lease. The iPad has a known issue with DHCP leases. Long story short, it tries to retain an internet address on a DHCP network without renewing its DHCP lease. The network thinks the internet address is fair game, and issues it to somebody else. When working over a DHCP network:

    Tap Settings/General. Under Auto-Lock, select "Never."
    If you're losing the DHCP connection while working, tap the blue arrow next to the network name and "Renew Lease."
    When you finish working on the network, don't lock your screen without either powering off or turning off your WiFi first. To turn off WiFi, go to Settings/WiFi, and set the switch to "Off."4. Turn up the brightness. A lot of power-saving tips advise you to turn down the screen brightness to preserve battery life, but if you're losing connectivity, it's a tradeoff. Nobody's sure, but there's speculation that the iPad figures that turning down your brightness is an attempt to save battery life, and decides to turn down your WiFi radio too.

    Some complaints center on auto-brightness, which is a built-in feature that turns the brightness up and down based on ambient conditions. Turn your brightness up to the max, and you may get a sudden boost to your WiFi signal as well.

    5. WEP and QoS.

    WEP is an encryption protocol. Your iPad is more at home with WPA2, if that protocol is available on the wireless modem you're connecting to - so dump the WEP setting.

    QoS selects from a broad range of bands automatically to connect you to the internet - unless, of course, you're on an Apple product like the iPad. Apple doesn't support QoS, so disable it.Finally, if you can't keep a WiFi connection at least keep current with Apple's iPad software updates. To Apple, the iPad's WiFi problems are as real a threat as the competition's "me too" tablets, and they've promised fixes in upcoming software releases.

    WiFi Cell Phone - The Way We Connect From Our Cell Phones

    If you have a smart phone that connects to the Internet through a WiFi connection, then you should know about the range and where to go for free WiFi. WiFi cell phones contain little devices that connect to wireless routers to connect to a fast Internet. You will find that today's cell phones contains the new age of WiFi cards that can help them act just like the personal computer at home.

    You should know that cell phones have come a long way in technology and therefore WiFi that's built in the cell phone is needed. The WiFi signal is the new next level to smart phones that can have an Internet connection through a wireless router. When you find a free WiFi spot, it should be easy to connect to as long as it's an unsecured network.

    To find a WiFi cafe or a place that has free WiFi, they can tell you from looking at the signs at the front door or ask them if they have free WiFi. The phone can support the wireless G networks that most routers use. If you want to have a fast connection in your home or even at the hotel, you can connect to the network.

    The using the Internet through the satellite is slow compared to going through a wireless connection. Cell phone technology allows the WiFi card that's built on board to reach connections up to a few hundred yards.

    If you're familiar with cell phones and know a few things about WiFi that's build on your phone, then you should know it's better if you work in a office to get reminders about emails. There are many reasons why you should buy cell phones that have WiFi built in, because everyone goes and travels from place to place. Why not check on work by phone at a free WiFi spot. WiFi cell phones give businesses the best reassurance of leaving work and knowing what is still going on at work.

    WiFi dans la Croix-

    En 1999 les pays européens commencèrent dés plans aux enchères de fréquences 3 g a baseball champ U.S. $ 200 b vers le bas de la route et la 3 G essaie toujours de validation. Tout en laissant l'appareil sur le côté afin que la 3 G-bus pour žmeer de pays à l'autre, un sentier de l'encre rouge. Toutefois, seulement un ISP bévues avec déploiement de WiFi dans les villes américaines et l'Inquisition est de retour.

    Pour comprendre mieux le brouhaha rappellent 2004 lorsque Verizon Wireless a lancé une politique bordée contre Philadelphie. Pour montrer quelle influence signifie simplement que Verizon a gouverneur de Pennsylvanie Ed Randell MuniWireless initiatives une loi à moins que la municipalité ou l'autorité locale d'abord établi fournisseur de services offre une chance pour la mise en œuvre d'un bloc de réseau propre à signer. Que la titulaire avait toutes ces dernières années pour déployer un réseau à large bande et pas seulement des moyens ironie n'éclipse pas le muscle politique.

    Puis arrive une drôle de chose. Il y avait une vague de protestation de l'ensemble des citoyens font bon gouverneur résultant en une offre de dernière minute permettant à Philadelphie sans fil aller plus loin et puis gagner le contrat avec Earthlink pour déployer rapidement du backtrack. MuniWireless est maintenant officiellement dans les télécommunications création cross curseur. Une chose est sur l'hôtel de ville. Mais pour tirer sur la création d'entreprise Telecom, Swell et grand cojones n'ont pas assez. Surtout quand l'ISP dépend du même titulaire pour la connectivité des lignes fixes pour les stations de base WiFi.

    Dans 2005 Diana Neff-la dame derrière Wireless Philadelphia-son économie m'a expliqué :

    -Priorité des dépenses en immobilisations concernant les paiements, le gouvernement de la ville est le locataire.

    -Alimentation pour les stations de base, emplacements, fourni gratuitement.

    ISP - connexion internet gratuite dans les maisons, bureaux, à des taux commerciaux.

    -Accès internet gratuit dans les parcs publics.

    -Accès Internet subventionnés aux sections plus faibles.

    C'est la base économique. Est ses ressources nettes suffisamment à gronder avec voix actuelle cuivre entièrement amorti et propriété d'un établi en cerisier-pioches où le DSLAM ? Je dirais, à peine. Autour. Si tout se passe bien. Maintenant, si les municipalités anté haut également réduire la charge de l'investissement en plus de devenir locataires, nous pouvons créer une impasse robuste.

    Voici l'argument de base sur l'économie.

    -Rien n'est gratuit.

    -Des revenus sont une chienne kick-off. Pour générer un courant qui a du sens est habituellement un délai de trois ans. Il s'agit de l'énorme avantage du titulaire. Son attente de trois ans s'est produite dans l'ère du Trias.

    -Si les municipalités paient pour les équipements et les locataires, MuniWireless argent puis d'attendre que la période de gestation nécessaire pour les revenus récurrents mensuels à empiler.

    -Si les municipalités ne vont pas payer pour l'équipement, ils doivent ante correctement comme locataires. Si ni, ruiner l'opération MuniWireless.

    -Encore une fois, la même économie ne s'appliquent pas sur un lecteur cellulaire parce que les réseaux 2 G confortables est amorti et le service omniprésent.

    -Lignes dégroupées services depuis les formes établies une Fondation pour l'économie MuniWireless. Sans l'ensemble de l'entreprise reste lourde.

    -Enfin, je regarde le sang autour de 3 G à comprendre ce qu'il faut pour démarrer un nouveau service, même lorsque le service est autorisé à se reposer sur les béquilles 2 G. En comparaison, c'est une broutille WiFi de brûlure et tout le matériel nécessaire pour l'économie de travailler est à tout le moins, le strict respect & Neff modèle full.

    Il est sûr de dire que, outre une dépendance permanente de backhaul assis, la base de la formule n'ont pas agi comme fournisseurs de services Internet tels que Earthlink Neff voulait allumés les paysages urbains de l'Amérique. Ils sont établissent actuellement pressés d'aller loin un mourant affaires commuté contrats ont été signés à la même vitesse. Nous avons regardé dans les coulisses que chaque nouveau Pacte soldée par une concession de plus et puis un autre et un autre mettent une priorité sur le reste de l'industrie. En 2007, ont été villes refusent les baux d'ancrage et livrer à la place un double coup dur en exigeant des services gratuits si le FSI ne serait autorisé à la population de la ville.

    MuniWireless problèmes de dentition qu'ont davantage à voir avec la mauvaise gestion économique possible et hostilité assise que grâce à la technologie WiFi. Même par exemple WiFi œuvres merveilleuses pour T-Mobile dans leur WiFi @ home service votre WiFi à la maison et des milliers de points d'accès à leur réseau cellulaire T-Mobile WiFi. Ce service est WiFi la cale dans la porte mise en place de télécommunications.

    Ainsi peut quelqu'un avoir vissé avec MuniWireless mais le WiFi n'est pas le coupable.

    L'intention de voir T-Mobile il est WiFi plus. Comme une méthode pour les entreprises de services cellulaires coopter WiFi et haut débit réel dans l'Empire sans devoir investir dans un douteux 3 G que j'ai écrit au sujet de l'application des correctifs du WiFi à des réseaux cellulaires suggèrent UMA (accès mobile sans licence) en 2005. Bravo à T-Mobile pour deux ans plus tard.

    Mais les liens WiFi Mobile sont déjà passé. Si le cellulaire entreprises déjà trop lent/réticents/hostile à la technologie ne signifie pas que la technologie n'était pas là. WiFi est à la pointe de l'iceberg d'une OFDMA et le lien WiFi-WiMax est ce qui va secouer ensuite des réseaux. Nous ne nous attendons pas à voir un opérateur WiMax usure par frottement trop sur les avantages et inconvénients de l'utilisation d'un back-end de commun IP connecter au WiFi sur les bords. La première victime de ces empreintes omniprésents avec accès à large bande sans fil mobile haute vitesse à internet va être des applications telles que Blackberry Band-Aid. Que vous s'asseoir chez Starbucks, Frappuchino à votre voiture avec votre marche ou roulez loin de chez eux, on accède directement à votre serveur/service de messagerie à un minimum de 2-5mbps.

    Il y a des gens très dévoués travaillant dur à IEEE 802.21 sous le P du groupe de travail IEEE pour élaborer des normes pour cette verticale (mobile WiFi) et horizontales (WiFi-WiMax) NEXUS. La valeur par défaut devrait être terminée d'ici 2008 à quel point WiFi sont véritable rôle comme propriétaire du bord commence. Comme nous avons appris à grands frais, cette vieille télécom mains est où est caché le billet de loterie gagnant.

    Pour un non exploitants, afin de donner un sens un hommes d'affaires centré sur WiFi doit satisfaire les arguments économiques présentés dans cet article. Qui maintient l'entreprise à flot tout votre réseau une maison après l'autre, d'un café après une autre propagation. Votre intention est d'obtenir une empreinte de pas aussi grand que possible avant de faire cet appel à T-Mobile.

    The Mifi Allows You to Have Your Own Mobile Wifi Hotspot

    What is a mobile wifi hotspot? A wifi hotspot is an area where someone is able to wirelessly connect wifi ready devices such as MP3 player, laptop, Smartphone, iPad or iPod to the internet. A mobile wifi hotspot is a wifi hotspot area which moves with you and allows you to connect to the internet anywhere you are. Novatel has developed a device the size of a business card that allows you to create a 30 foot wide mobile hotspot, the device is called Mifi.

    There are three devices for worldwide coverage. The Mifi 2200 covers the United States. The Mifi 2372 covers not only United States, but also Canada and the rest of North America. And finally the Mifi 2352 services Europe and the rest of the world.

    The Mifi device allows you to connect 5 wifi ready devices to it wirelessly and all of the devices can be connected at the same time. There are three cell phone carriers in the United States, Verizon, Sprint and AT&T that allow you to create your own hotspot. Verizon and Sprint use the Mifi 2200 with CDMA Bands: 800, 1900 MHz to create its hotspot. AT&T uses the Mifi 2372 with a Sim card on Tri-band HSUPA/HSDPA: 900/1900/2100 MHz to create its hotspot.

    The big question comes is whether you should buy a Mifi or lease one. Verizon and Sprint give you the Mifi 2200 for free when you sign a two year contract at $60.00 per month. You have to have good credit and the $720.00 or $1,440.00 for the two year commitment.

    Verizon is the only carrier that offers a pre-paid data plan, where you can buy time just when you want it for $15.00 for the day, $30.00 for the week or $50.00 for the month. With Verizon there is no credit check. If you don't need access to the Internet 365 days a year, then buying a mobile wifi hotspot device and using the Verizon's pre-paid plan is the cheaper and better way to go. Verizon sells the Mifi 2200 device for $299.00 with a $35.00 activation fee. You can buy the Mifi 2200 without the activation fee if you buy the unit and the prepaid plan at the same time from someone other than Verizon. So you can create your own mobile wifi hotspot by simply taking the Mifi out of the box and pushing one button to turn the mobile wifi device on, that simple.

    The beauty of the mobile wifi hotspot is that you can use it anywhere. The mobile wifi hotspot can be utilized while you are riding in a car, at the beach, at the airport or on the deck of a boat, or virtually anywhere. Hotspots have been gaining in popularity in parks, at Starbucks and other locations but unlike the Mifi's mobile wifi hotspot which is password secure, Wifi hotspots are not secure and therefore in today's world not really safe.

    The reason the mobile wifi hotspot can be mobile is because the Mifi coverts the cell phone signal into a wifi signal, and since the signal is in the air, the conversion allows you to have a mobile wifi hotspot wherever you are and wherever there is a cell phone signal available.

    How To Use WiFi Routers To Connect To The Internet From Just About Anywhere!

    What are WiFi routers? The term WiFi means 'Wireless Fidelity' and it is capable of being able to send and receive data from wireless hardware by using an antenna. The popularity of the Internet can be widely attributed to the WiFi routers, as these make internet connection much easier.

    The simple task of sending and receiving emails would not be possible for so many users, without the use of the wireless modem router. It has helped to simplify the way we access the Internet within our homes and at our places of work.

    Most WiFi devices have a range, within which they can operate in an efficient manner, and this will generally be somewhere around 30 yards. Wireless network routers can be used even in public places including airports, restaurants and libraries, so if your laptop has WiFi connectability, you can connect while you are waiting to fly, or you can escape to your library to use your laptop!

    If you have multiple computers in your home or office and do not have a network to connect them all together, you can easily use a wireless network router to connect them together effectively. The components of the WiFi router include a router and port.

    WiFi routers can be connected to your network fairly easily, but people prefer to call in a specialist to make sure it has been done correctly. When you have a WiFi router, you will also be able to eliminate cables and wires, which are normally associated with conventional wired networks. Do remember though that both doors and walls might affect the connectivity of the WiFi routers.

    The standards for WiFi router could be in the range of 802.11 or 802.12 and so forth. You can also extend the coverage of the router with the use of repeaters or extenders - these are available from many stores.

    You can use the WiFi router to connect to laptops, computers, digital cameras, mp3 players and mobile phones. It can also be used to connect to a printer. Just about all the major cities in the world, are WiFi network connected including Texas, London and Mexico city to name just a few.

    It is always important to remember that you must secure your wireless network as they can be misused by hackers if left unprotected. The two most common methods used for security are Media access control and WiFi protected access. The users will not be able to access the network without providing a password. This will ensure that hackers will not be able to access the network easily. If you are paying someone to set up your network for you this should be done for you as part of the job.

    How Making an Android WiFi Switch Can Improve Your Android Experience

    One of the greatest benefits of owning a smartphone is the ability to transport the internet and all its conveniences wherever you go. Whether it be keeping in touch on email, Facebook, or Twitter or simply checking the day's traffic or weather, a smartphone makes any Internet-dependent process more accessible. Certainly, not every convenient smartphone feature is Internet-dependent (think alarm clocks, notes, etc.), but having access to the web and its endless store of reference knowledge separates smartphones from their predecessors more than any other feature; and this is precisely what makes a poor WiFi connection so egregious.

    To that end, this article analyzes Android WiFi switching and limits its analysis to Android-OS-enabled phones, even though many of the benefits from switching away from a poor WiFi connection to stronger WiFi or cellular signal will accrue to every smartphone user.

    Increased Average Data Speeds: Although switching to a stronger data signal - whether WiFi or cellular - may not strike readers as a signal booster, if one averages the speeds across a period of time making an Android WiFi switch will almost certainly mean faster average speeds. This is because rather than remaining on a slow, weak WiFi signal, users will move to a stronger and, more often than not, faster WiFi or cellular connection. Over a period of time this Android WiFi switching should result in a faster average data speeds, and the benefits will not stop with data speeds, since speed affects battery.

    Battery Savings: Along with throttled or capped data plans, a weak battery stands as one of smartphones' greatest weaknesses in delivering the go-anywhere web their owners have come to love and expect. Thus, given how vital smartphones are to their owners, it's no wonder they value their battery life so much and see battery weakness as a top-five problem. What many smartphone users may not realize is that completing tasks faster can save the phone's battery, and that's one additional benefit of keeping a WiFi switcher on your phone, since you complete tasks on your strongest signal more regularly you can expect to save additional battery. In the world of smartphones whose batteries drain quickly, every bit helps; and luckily the benefits of Android WiFi switching don't stop with battery savings and faster data speeds.

    Convenience: If you've ever been unable to upload or download information (email, photos, etc.) because you were stuck on a poor WiFi connection, then you know how annoying it can be to have to manually turn off your WiFi. Not only do you have to stop what you're doing at that moment to disable your WiFi radio, but you have to remember to re-enable the WiFi radio when you are back in close enough range of an open or already-enabled network. An Android WiFi switch makes all of this superfluous, as the widget or application will do the work for you. Thus, users can know that they're surfing their strongest-available signal whenever they reach for their phones.

    These benefits are just a few of the many derived from making an Android WiFi switch away from a weak WiFi connection to a stronger WiFi or cellular signal. If you want to maximize your smartphone experience, consider downloading an application or widget that allows you to make an Android WiFi switch.

    Un petit mot sur Wifi ou Wifi technologie

    WiFi est l'autre nom de réseau sans fil ou Wi-Fi gratuite, ce nom est utilisé principalement par des utilisateurs aucune techniques seulement sais comment pour l'accès sans fil internet, ils savent pratiquement rien d'autre. WiFi est en fait une forme abrégée de wireless fidelity. Mais beaucoup avancement les utilisateurs pas au courant de cette terminologie, il est plus familier avec le nom de Wifi. Terme de WiFi est écrit à bien des égards, Wifi, WiFi, WiFi, WiFi fiwi etc..

    Une connexion Wi-Fi a été introduite par Wi-Fi alliance en 1985, c'était l'époque où il n'était pas tellement utilisé commercialement mais ont donné juste pour certaines organisations pour des fins de test. Une connexion Wi-Fi Alliance est un pionnier dans le développement de la technologie WiFi et tout le matériel lié au Wifi est généralement certifié en conformité de la Wifi Alliance. WiFi plus tard développé et puis finalement déjeuné à usage général des États-Unis dans les années 1990, wifi devient normes pendant la majeure partie de la communication informatique dans de nombreuses organisations dans le monde entier

    WiFi utilise tous les réseaux qui font référence à chaque type qui a été définie par les normes de réseau IEEE 802.11. IEEE est une forme abrégée de l'Institut de génie électrique et électronique. Il y a beaucoup d'améliorations faites aux normes 802.11 et 802 .11a, 802 .11b et autres réseaux double. Le dernier standard de famille 802.11 est 802.11 y. autres étalons connus 802.16, ce sont les normes pour la technologie WiMax à venir. Il y a un ensemble de normes pour plus connu est connu comme IEEE 802.3 Ethernet.

    Croissance des réseaux Wifi est toujours aller dans le monde entier que cette énorme croissance augmente les problèmes au niveau de sécurité. WiFi est le plus largement utilisé réseau dans le monde entier et de nombreuses organisations portent leurs données sensibles en utilisant les réseaux sans fil. Utilisation accrue des réseaux sans fil augmente risques potentiels pour la sécurité de l'utilisateur ou l'organisation. Réseau sans fil comporte des données de n'importe quel type, données ordinaires dans les éléments d'information peuvent être chiffrées ou il peut ou même très sensibles. Mécanisme de sécurité WiFi assure le certain niveau d'intégrité des données et la confidentialité ainsi que par câble réseau offres. Mais si les bonnes mesures de sécurité n'adoptées pas intrus peuvent attaques provenant du réseau et peut également causer de grands dommages à non seulement le réseau, mais la vie privée des utilisateurs.

    Il fut un temps où câbles étaient utilisés ensemble sur de nombreux ordinateurs dans un réseau. Matériels tels que les routeurs, les concentrateurs, les commutateurs, etc. sont nécessaires pour la communication entre les ordinateurs, mais Wifi haute technologie changement apporté dans la communication des ordinateurs par le biais de fonctions de connectivité sans fil. Il garde juste les choses très simple sans trop de tracas et de réseaux, on peut faire beaucoup plus facilement. Aucuns fils ne sont nécessaires. Réseau sans fil garde environnement très soigné et propre. Il existe de nombreuses autres propriétés de réseaux locaux sans fil pour la connectivité haut débit exemple. WiFi offre la connectivité à grande vitesse et la communication plus rapide où les câbles ne sont pas faisables d'installer, par exemple, dans les régions éloignées. La liste des fonctions du Wifi est qu'un certain nombre d'autres caractéristiques importantes inclus longue sur le Site, équipement de niveau entreprise, systèmes évolutifs, VPN compatibilité, méthodes d'authentification flexible, satisfaction de la clientèle, mobilité de l'utilisateur final et un accès facile grâce aux hotspots.

    WiFi prend en charge deux différents types de modes ; ils sont connus pour être des infrastructures et l'autre est ad hoc. Connexions sans fil ad hoc sont possibles sans dispositif central appelé routeur ou point d'accès. La plupart des administrateurs réseau préfèrent ad hoc sur le mode infrastructure. Ad hoc comment jamais aussi ont des problèmes. Périphériques connectés à l'aide du mode Ad-hoc WiFi offre moins de protection contre les utilisateurs non autorisés. Périphériques configurés ad hoc ne désactivez pas le SSID broadcast, contrairement au mode infrastructure, ce qui amène les pirates dans le jeu et utilisez le mode ad hoc, il n'est pas très difficile de s'imposer dans le réseau sans fil. Il y a deux différences importantes entre ces deux modes est la vitesse à laquelle ils transfèrent les données. Outils réseau standard 802.11 g communication Ad hoc femme requis à l'appui de 11 Mbits/s bande passante contrairement à la 54 Mbit/s de transfert de données est prise en charge lorsque vous utilisez le mode infrastructure. Par conséquent, le mode Ad hoc est beaucoup plus lent que le mode infrastructure.

    Réseaux sans fil basés montée chaque où ; chaque organisation doit installer s'il n'est pas déjà utilisé. Certaines villes ont en fait donné toute la ville un wifi et mettre la ville en hotspot, bel exemple pour nous est de Chicago. Émetteur énorme de Chicago en forme de grand plat taille du Wifi que les signaux de radiodiffusion de la radio depuis le LAN sans fil à travers la ville installée. Il offre la connectivité internet à grande vitesse à très bas prix. Ordinateurs portables, ordinateurs de bureau, PDA et autres périphériques de la carte installée LAN sans fil peuvent accéder au réseau et obtenir la connectivité à grande vitesse en mouvement. Utilisateurs WiFi augmentant chaque jour pour les fabricants produisent les produits sur une grande échelle. Ces produits sont facilement disponibles sur le marché à un coût raisonnable. Cartes mères ordinateurs portables, assistants numériques personnels, des ordinateurs de bureau plus récent sont viennent généralement avec les cartes LAN sans fil intégrés. S'il n'est pas déjà installé, votre ordinateur portable acheter une slot wifi carte PCMCI, pour accéder au réseau sans fil. Cartes PCI WiFi sont également disponibles sur le marché. Maintenant USB wifi sont également disponible sur la courte distance, mais il fonctionne encore bien.

    Routeurs intelligents sont disponibles sur le marché différents périphériques connectés au réseau sans fil. Ces routeurs peuvent être configurés avec ou sans PC. Tout est requis pour internet par câble dans le port approprié du routeur Ethernet ou un port USB. Quand l'internet est disponible pour les routeurs peuvent être configurés à l'aide du panneau de commande via IP Voilà où nous pouvons activer ou désactiver les SSID de radiodiffusion et d'autres fonctions. PC peut également être liés aux routeurs de gestion encore plus quels routeurs ne peut pas être effectuées. PC est habituellement exigés pour être utilisée lorsque le réseau est énorme et conserver et préserver l'intégrité et la stabilité est très importante.

    Dans cette ère moderne tout le monde veut que chaque chose appartient à la famille sans fil, technologie sans fil Wifi. Il y a tant d'autres technologies sans fil qui autour du temps évolué et maintenant pris accordé et sont Wifi mondial est maintenant sur réseau sans fil beaucoup avancé et amélioré connu au WiMax. Technologie WiMax Wifi bat de nombreuses fondations, lequel taux de données de vitesse sont échangés, qui varient avec lequel la connexion est créée et bien plus encore. Maintenant, nous voyons dans combien de temps prendra le relais WiFi, WiMax et WiMax acceptera finalement ce que la technologie devrait. Une chose est pour sûr que les dernières technologies dans les technologies sans fil continueront à venir et obtenir plus de regardé à travers neuf gardera.

    How To Install The Nintendo WiFi USB Connector

    If you don't have a wireless router, don't worry, you can still play on Nintendo WiFi Connection using the Nintendo WiFi USB Connector. You can purchase one now to get started if you don't have one already. Before you get the Nintendo WiFi USB Connector, make sure you have a broadband internet connection. Follow the instructions that came with the Nintendo WiFi Connector.

    Your steps to install the Nintendo WiFi USB Connector should be something like this:

    1. Before inserting the Nintendo WiFi USB Connector, enter the Installation CD and the registration tool will pop up. Click OK to begin installing. If the installer doesn't pop up, browse to your disc drive in 'My Computer' and double click on the disc drive. If the installer still does not start, double click on Setup.exe from the disc drive.

    2. Select your language and click OK to begin installing. If you receive an error stating that 'You are not connected to the internet', make sure you are connected first.

    3. Insert the Nintendo WiFi USB Connector when it tells you to. If you receive a warning saying, "Hi-speed USB device plugged into non-hi-speed USB hub", just click OK.

    4. Now click on the Nintendo WiFi Connection registration tool in the status bar at the lower right of the monitor to register your Wii.

    5. Go to the settings in the Wii console and set the wireless connection to "Nintendo WiFi USB Connector" and press Next to continue.

    6. Go back to your PC and you will see your Wii's nickname with a yellow question mark (?) to the left of it. Click on the Nintendo Wii nickname and select "Grant permission to connect." Now you will see a little blue man.

    7. Now go back to the Wii and press Next when the setup is complete and you are connected. Press OK to test the connection.

    You can also get on Nintendo WiFi Connection with a Wii LAN adapter [http://www.nhotspot.net/nintendo-wifi-connection/nintendo-wii-lan-adapter]

    Providing WiFi Services for An Event

    Opzetten van WiFi diensten voor een groot evenement kan moeilijk zijn. Maar voor een heleboel gebeurtenissen WiFi is belangrijk of zelfs noodzakelijk. Vaak een locatie niet zal kunnen bieden voldoende of betrouwbare WiFi die een groot aantal gebruikers op een enkele keer ondersteunen, of u misschien niet eens hebben deze optie als u een gig of outdoor evenement host. En toch zijn er vele doeleinden van dienstverlening WiFi op uw festival, prestaties, sportieve gebeurtenis, conferentie of vergadering.

    WiFi in foyer, gratis of betaalde voor, is vaak een grote trekken voor gasten, en soms essentieel is voor de deelnemers of hosts te werken, blog, onderzoek en presentaties uitvoeren. Gebeurtenis WiFi kan nodig zijn voor promotionele doeleinden; de aanwezigheid van een pers wifitoegang kan verlangen voor publicatie, en WiFi-toegang kan leiden tot de bevordering van door uw bezoekers gebruik van sociale netwerken.

    Dit is waar tijdelijke internet komt. Door bedrijven van IT-systemen geleverd, kan tijdelijke gebeurtenis WiFi je WiFi services instellen waar u uw evenement host, of u 100 of 10.000 mensen host. Een verbinding van plan is moeilijk, en beste links naar de deskundigen, maar kunnen zij uw hulp om te beoordelen uw behoeften eisen. De volgende punten zijn overwegen om te helpen uw tijdelijke WiFi providers waard:

    Weten uw locatie:

    Weten uw locatie is essentieel om te voorzien van geschikt WiFi. De grootte en de vorm van een locatie is de sleutel en het is waarschijnlijk dat uw providers zal moeten maken een bezoek aan het begrijpen van de grootte en vorm van het gebied. Overwegen waar de toegangspunten kunnen worden opgericht; Ze bevinden zich meestal zo hoog mogelijk om bredere dekking te bieden. Denk na over mogelijke dode hoeken, en of dit een probleem zou kunnen zijn.

    Zorg ervoor dat niets kon blok signaal van een zender door wordt gebaseerd voor in outdoor locaties. Vrachtwagens kunnen blokkeren een 13 of 14 voet-toegangspunt. Mensen, meubilair en architectuur kunnen invloed hebben op de sterkte van een WiFi-signaal en microgolven kunnen ermee te interfereren. Denk over het verstrekken van de krachtbronnen voor apparaten ten laste van; bijzonder belangrijk op conferenties die meer dan een paar uur lang.

    Als uw evenement is afhankelijk van de toegang tot het internet dan vertellen uw WiFi-aanbieder van IT-systemen. Zorg ervoor dat ze back-up apparatuur zoals meerdere aanbieders van doorvoer en DHCP-servers. Niet verlenen van een beloofde of essentieel netwerk zal nadenken over u slecht als een gebeurtenis organisator en laat een menigte niet onder de indruk.

    Begrijp uw menigte:

    Als u wilt werken uit moet de aard van de bandbreedte die u nodig hebt u voorspellen uw menigte WiFi gebruik. Denk over wat voor soort genodigden u verwacht; zijn ze tech-savvy, jong of bijzonder geschikt te eigen draagbare apparaten? Dan aftrekken welk deel van de deelnemers aan uw gebeurtenis zal een WiFi toegelaten apparaat, hoe veel van deze zal het gebruiken van uw WiFi-diensten op een bepaalde tijd, en met welk doel. Overweeg uw menigte behoeften voor het downloaden, streaming uploaden.


    U moet een veilige netwerkomgeving maken. Denk na over de sites die u kunt blokkeren en voorzorgsmaatregelen nemen om te voorkomen dat mensen virussen uploaden.

    Beheer van het netwerk tijdens uw evenement:

    Uw evenement WiFi providers moeten kunnen om mensen voor het beheren van uw bandbreedte te bieden. Vraag naar uw diensten WiFi gebeurtenis zullen stijgen en dalen dus technisch personeel dienen dit te beheren. Gelet op deze gebieden zal geven uw evenement WiFi providers een goed idee van wat je nodig hebt en de beste manier om het te verstrekken om ervoor te zorgen dat u een betrouwbare en sterke verbinding hebt op je evenement.

    Wifi Internet Radios: Six Frequently Asked Questions Answered

    If I buy a WiFi radio, can I only pick up internet stations? Will I have to give up my favourite FM stations?

    This is the main concern of people thinking of buying a WiFi radio - That they'll have to make the switch from the FM stations they know and love, over to the online world of international stations and web shows. The good news, though, is that the majority of FM radio stations also broadcast online these days. In addition, most WiFi radios also include FM radio tuners, meaning you'll still be able to get the stations you can receive now - Plus the whole new world of internet stations.

    How difficult are WiFi internet radios to set up?

    Not at all! Set-up is made as straightforward as possible, with most models offering simple onscreen instructions which you simply need to follow through once, when you switch on for the first time. Most likely, all you'll need to do is select the WiFi hotspot you want to use, and enter the secure code needed to access it (if required). After that, the radio will connect automatically when you switch on.

    If there are thousands of stations available, how do I find the ones I like?

    WiFi internet radios are designed to cope with the masses of stations which are out there. Most models organise stations by easy-to-navigate categories, such as Location (where you select stations by country and region) and Genre (the general style of station, for example Pop, Talk Radio or World Music). You can also save your favourite stations as presets, so you won't need to go hunting for the same stations each time you switch on.

    Does my PC need to be switched on for the WiFi internet radio to work?

    No - Your WiFi internet radio works independently of your PC, and you can listen to stations whether the PC is on or not. In fact, believe it or not, you don't even need a PC to use a WiFi internet radio! The radio simply needs to connect to a convenient WiFi hotspot. If you have wireless internet access in your home, you'll probably use this same WiFi for an internet radio. Alternatively, the radio can connect to any available WiFi hotspot to which you have access. Some radios even have the option to add a rechargeable battery, meaning you can take it out and hook up to any WiFi hotspot on the move.

    Will a WiFi radio use up my bandwidth allowance?

    This is a common concern of many people whose broadband package includes a monthly usage limit. Whilst a WiFi internet radio will use a portion of this allowance, it shouldn't eat up too much bandwidth. Listening to a standard online radio station for one hour uses around 23Mb - About the same as if you were watching YouTube videos for the same period. Listening to two hours of internet radio per day would therefore mean a monthly bandwidth usage of 1.4Gb. As long as your broadband package includes at least 2Gb of bandwidth per month, internet radio won't drain your allowance.

    I'd like a WiFi internet radio, but won't it be yet another gadget cluttering up my house?

    It does seem that another must-have gadget comes out every year, and that as soon as you buy one, it gets overtaken by another even-more-essential gizmo. But one great thing about WiFi internet radios is that they often incorporate several gadgets in one. Find the right model and you can use it as an FM radio, DAB radio, MP3 player, iPod dock and even a sound system to remotely play out tracks from your PC and Last.fm account. That should save you a lot of valuable gadget space!

    Connect to the Future Today With Free Public WiFi

    WiFi, or Wireless Fidelity, officially doesn't mean anything. Truth is, the term was actually a play on the old audio recording term "High Fidelity" or "Hi-Fi". Later on, "Wi-Fi" was coined by a brand consulting firm called Interbrand Corporation. According to Wikipedia, this firm was hired by the WiFi Alliance to find a name that was "a little catchier than 'IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence'." Hmm...doesn't sound like a very hard thing to do!

    You're undoubtedly aware how integral the Web has become in our every day lives. Getting connected to the Internet used to be considered a privilege, but it is now thought by most to be a birthright. The Internet, and Web access in general, is getting more pervasive every single day. Wi-Fi plays a big role because it is this technology that unchains us from the computer at our desk and allows us to go 'mobile,' connecting wirelessly whenever we are near a venue of WiFi connectivity, called a "hotspot" or in an internet-sharing wide area network known as a "hot zone." With the ongoing rise of WiFi in our society, the public can use any WiFi-ready portable device to access a wireless connection. According to Wikipedia, of the estimated 150 million laptops, 14 million PDAs, and other emerging Wi-Fi devices sold each year over the past several years, most are already Wi-Fi-ready and capable.

    The Two Most Important Questions of WiFi: 'Where?' and 'How Much?'

    You can usually find hotspots in airports, coffee shops and cafes, restaurants, libraries, hotels, hospitals, train stations, military bases, bookstores, gas stations, department stores, supermarkets, RV parks and campgrounds among other public places, not to mention many universities and schools. WiFi availability is expanding more and more each day; even wireless networks that cover entire cities, such as municipal broadband have started to emerge and over 300 metropolitan projects have already been started. Hotspots can either be free or commercial. Free Wi-Fi hotspots are most commonly created by using an open public network, and all they require is a Wi-Fi router. The disadvantage of such an offering is that access to the router cannot be controlled. In another type of free system, a HotSpot Management System controls the HotSpot on closed public networks. This software runs on either the router or an external computer which then allows a system operator to provide only specific users with Internet access, and to associate the free access to a menu or to a purchase limit. The other--and increasingly less-popular --WiFi choice is a commercial hotspot. As its name implies, a commercial hotspot provides access for a fee, and may feature:

    * A captive portal that users are redirected to for authentication and payment

    * A payment option using credit card, PayPal, BOZII, iPass, or other payment service

    * A walled garden feature that allows free access to certain sites

    What's the Incentive to Provide Free WiFi?

    The ability of venues such as commercial businesses, hotels, and coffee shops to entice new customers with free Wi-Fi is a compelling value-added service that is shown to increase business. While true that the venue offering free WiFi pays for the installation and maintenance of the WiFi connectivity infrastructure, it is anticipated that revenue opportunities from increased business exposure will more than cover the costs in the long run. This, in turn, has resulted in more and more public venues offering free WiFi for its customers. These days, free and commercial hotspots are readily available and can be located through a variety of websites such as JiWire, Free-hotspot.com or FreePublicWiFiLocator.zoxic.com [http://freepublicwifilocator.zoxic.com]

    The spread of Wi-Fi access across the globe and in your community represents a new age in connected communication. Free Public WiFi access is ubiquitous and, if you plan your trip ahead of time, you should have almost no difficulty in finding hotspots or hotzones to get you online and connected.

    Running a WiFi Hotspot - A Guide to Hotspot Systems

    What is a WiFi Hotspot?

    A WiFi Hotspot is an area that has WiFi access to the Internet. The term Hotspot is now used interchangeably for the both the area where the signal is available and the device (WiFi Router or WiFi Access Point) that is broadcasting the signal. Likewise the terms "WiFi Router" and "WiFi Access Point" (AP) are often used interchangeably.

    Simple Hotspot - The Open or Unencryped Router.

    The easiest way to run a Hotspot is to purchase a domestic WiFi router, hook it up to the Internet and set the wireless security settings as "Disabled" or "Open". This would allow anyone to access the Internet and potentially also access other computers connected to the router. You would have very little control over who connects and how much bandwidth is used. If you have no security concerns and are not looking at making any money this is a simple way to go. Cost ~$50-100

    Simple Hotspot - The Encrypted Router with WPA or WEP

    Another option is to enable security on the router, there are two types of WiFi security WEP and WPA - WPA is the newer and more secure. With both types you specify a "key" which is a code you need to connect. You could tell your customers what the WPA or WEP key is and they could connect. This offers some security and I guess you could change the WPA or WEP key each day, however there is nothing to stop someone telling their friend the key so it's not ideal for generating revenue.

    The Captive-Portal.

    Nearly all commercial Hotspots are Captive Portals, this appears as an Open or Unencrypted WiFi signal but then redirects any traffic to a specific web page called a "Splash Page" where your often asked to login or purchase internet access. This is a clever way of doing things as most laptops will automatically connect to an open WiFi signal, then when a customer runs Internet Explorer (or which ever Web browser they use) they are sent to your splash page no matter what site they try to connect to.

    Walled Garden.

    When discussing Captive Portals the term "Walled Garden" is often used. This is a website or websites that a customer can connect to without paying. For example a customer connecting to your Hotspot will be diverted to the Splash Page. They will then be given a choice of paying for internet access or accessing free websites you have chosen, for example your Hotel website or local attractions websites.

    Hosted Hotspot Services.

    There are several companies offering business owners a hosted hotspot service. These services normally involve installing a modified Linksys WRT54GL router on the customer premises that redirect traffic to a splash page hosted by the hotspot company. The hosting company normally also processes payment for Internet access. These services normally work on a revenue sharing basis where the hosting company pay the hotspot owner a percentage of the income from the hotspot. Some companies also charge the hotspot owner a monthly fee for using their services.

    DIY Captive Portals.

    If you don't want to use a hosted hotspot solution there are a few options for a DIY Captive Portal. There are some commercial software packages that run on Windows or Linux PCs and act as a captive portal, with these the PC has to be turned on 24 hours a day. Another approach is to run the Hotspot software on the WiFi router itself, replacing the stock firmware with a Linux based OS such as OpenWRT or DD-WRT. The challenge here is to fit the software required on the small amount of memory available on a domestic router.

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